The project

Creative on the go

As a student, I was on my bike alone to visit a pastor in Denmark. Once there, I was invited to spend the night in a shared apartment. Since I spoke no Danish and only moderate English, someone gave me a damp lump of clay. I started to model for the first time in my life and from then on there was a couple of two with my emerging sculpture.

Decades later, when I heard tango music from the open window in a French village in the middle of France, I stopped and listened for a while. I knocked bravely and asked if I could try dancing. My request was granted spontaneously and I received a dance lesson that made me lastingly happy.

As a freelance artist who makes a pilgrimage every day, I am happy to be able to pass on to the pilgrim some of the passion I have experienced.



Meine My vision

It is my concern that Kunstmühle Veckenstedt as a monument from 1884 to preserve its originality and the effect of art and creativity to be directly experienced. The word Kunst (latin ars, greek téchne) refers to activities that are based on knowledge, practice, perception, imagination and intuition. There is plenty of space for this under the large mill roof.

Pilgern auf der Via Romea

On the way, to hold on to keep something and take it with you?

If you stand on the road of encounters, the Via Romea pilgrimage and at the gate of the Kunstmühle Veckenstedt , you are cordially invited to stop off in one of the cozy rooms or bed castles. 

Maybe you want to pause and create something artistic yourself Maybe you even want to take the experience of a fear-free individual lesson in painting / drawing, or try out once in a lifetime what it feels like to dance tango.
