Taboe2Be – Ostertango 18 – 22 April 2019

image003Taboe2Be ist ein freundliches Tango-Event zum Entspannen und Erfrischen, zum Vitalisieren und Wiederverbinden. Wir legen Wert auf die Essenz des Tangos, als ein schönes Instrument, um unsere Verbundenheit, Kreativität, Sensibilität und Unschuld zu entwickeln. All diese Qualitäten – neben den notwendigen technischen Fähigkeiten – bringen mehr Freiheit und Freude in unseren Tanz.

Neben den Milongas am Nachmittag und Abend mit einer pikanten Mischung aus traditioneller und alternativer Musik von verschiedenen DJs, bieten wir parallel Workshops zur Auswahl an. Neben uns, Paras und Paul, wird Michael Watson (Berlin / TangoLoft) dich als Lehrer inspirieren.

Weitere Informationen:


Easter Taboe2Be 18 – 22 April

Taboe2Be is a friendly Tango event to relax and refresh, to vitalize and re-connect. We put the emphasis on the essence of tango, as a beautiful instrument to develop our connectedness, creativity, sensibility and innocence. All these qualities – next to the necessary technical skills – bring more freedom and joy into our dance.

Next to the afternoon and evening milongas with a spicy mix of traditional & alternative music by different DJ’s, we offer parallel workshops to choose from daily. Next to us Paras and Paul, will Michael Watson (Berlin/TangoLoft) give you inspiration as teacher.

More information on:



All prices per person per day

All Bedding and towels are included in the price.

Make your reservation via Edda Grossman by sending an email to:

All rooms + dormitory  are fully booked, please check the option of alternative possibilities in  the atelier of Edda.

Bridal suite

with 1 double bed + single bed + integrated shower & toilet

€ 35,- p.p. when used as a double room

€ 32,- p.p. when used by 3 people

Double rooms (4 rooms)

with a double bed, shower & toilet

€ 30,- p.p. when used as a double room 

Family rooms for max 2-3 people (3 rooms)

with 1 double bed and 1 single bed

shared shower & toilet

€ 28,- p.p. when used as a double room

€ 25,- p.p. when used by 3 people

€ 23,-p.p. when used by 4 people

1 single room

with 1 single bed, shared shower & toilet

€ 25,00 p.p. 


13 single beds and 1 double bed

€ 16 p.p.

There are 2 shower rooms & 2 toilets for common use.